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Payload Specialist

By Jackson Wade (Grade 6)

A Payload Specialist is an integral member of space expeditions. They are responsible for sending materials into space for experimentation and observation. A Payload Specialist is a type of astronaut who observes what goes into a payload (which are the materials that are sent to space). To become a payload specialist you must have a bachelor's degree in mathematics and at least three years of related professional experience obtained after you receive your degree OR at least 1,000 hours pilot-in-command time in jet aircraft. Fun fact, there is actually a payload specialist from this town. His name is Robert Cenker. He was born in the Menallen Township on November 5, 1948. He went on to become a payload specialist for NASA and oversaw the production of the twenty-fourth space shuttle (most likely the payload) , the seventh flight of the space shuttle, Columbia as well as other missions. As stated previously payload specialists are very important to space expeditions!

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