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Turtles (VSCO Edition)

There once was a turtle that had vast powers. The power was to flight immortality. The people wanted the turtle for its powers to travel across the world forever. The VSCO girls created an entwined shell made out of vines to bolster the turtle's power because they wanted to save it from people who wanted the vast powers. These people were evil, they have been trying to capture the turtle for years.


Then, people started tracking the turtle to see where the turtles went in the sky. It would travel back and forth from different beaches. It could also tell the location of the turtle while in the sky and it sent a signal out when they landed. After they started tracking the turtle they figured out where it went every day. 


Finally, they found their food supply. So, they started setting traps. When they went to check the traps they found nothing, but the traps were triggered. Nobody knows how they did it, but they will never be found.  It has been there ever since, watching over the VSCO girls.  

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