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The Key Constellation

   One year, a long, long time ago, Mars was a plant that anyone, or

anything could live on. Legend says that small, purple, and adventurous

Aliens used to live there.


     One day, the aliens thought that they were bored of the planet. They

wanted to explore and make a new planet. They wanted to make one that was incredible!! They wanted it to be blue and green because they wanted it to be the leader's favorite colors.


     The leader was a girl named Amy, who had long brown hair and purple skin.


     The leader ordered ten purple aliens to make eight planets. 


     Eventually, the aliens made the key that would make new planets. The key was gold and silver with loops around the side that represented the new eight planets that they wanted to make. 


       Then, the 10 aliens gave the key to the leader.


     The leader looked at the key and said, “Oh my! It’s beautiful! Do the rings represent the planets we want to make?” she asked.


     “Yes!” said one of the aliens.


   Then, the leader grabbed the key. She turned and looked at a large gold and silver door. She turned to the aliens and smiled. She put the key in and turned it. To her surprise, a Large blue and green sphere popped into the sky! She did that over and over until there were eight planets in the sky! And to remember the leader they put a special constellation in the sky that showed the key.


That is how we have our planets and how the earth got a new constellation.

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